The LG2-sEEG Lesion Generator is one of the new devices in the inomed RF Lesion Generator series. In combination with the sEEG-Box, it is possible to perform RF treatments via sEEG electrodes. sEEG (stereoelectroencephalography) is an invasive, diagnostic procedure for patients with drug-resistant epilepsies.
The versatile RF Generator can be used in many different modes and with various instruments: brain lesioning in temperature- and power-controlled mode as well as for the most common pain applications. Mono- or bipolar pain and brain electrodes can be connected on the front socket. One sEEG electrode with up to 18 contacts can be connected to one socket of the sEEG Box. The second sEEG socket can be used for research applications.
The device features a real-time display of power output and impedance during sEEG lesioning. Audio impedance during brain lesioning provides real-time audio feedback of impedance changes.