We are proud to work on the following projects in the field of medical technology:
6G mobile communications standard for distributed medical technology systems
Within the BMBF-funded 6G-Health research project, 19 partners are developing and analyzing 6G-based components for future medical applications. inomed focusses on the integration of wireless interfaces into medical systems and open communication standards to improve interoperability.
Quantum sensor technology for improved brain tumor surgery
In the BMBF-funded project, eight partners are working on the development of a novel diamond-based quantum neuro-analyzer for optimized differentiation between brain tumor and healthy tissue. inomed is focusing on further developing the current gold standard of electrophysiological tissue identification and building a system platform for the quantum-based measurement system.
Innovative development of systems for neuromonitoring
The project is funded by the BMBF within the framework of the fiscal research promotion according to the law for fiscal promotion of research and development (FZulG; BGBl I S. 2763). This law came into force on 01.01.2020. In this internal research and development project, inomed is working on innovative developments of its systems for intraoperative neuromonitoring.
System for contactless interaction in the sterile area of operating theatres as a component of a future operating theatre
The idea of the project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is to make the numerous medical devices in the operating theatre more accessible to sterile staff. Together with a hospital, two universities and a medical technology manufacturer, research is being conducted on a demonstrator that brings important information into the operating surgeon's field of vision and allows the settings of the connected systems to be changed. inomed is developing control concepts and connecting its own systems to this demonstrator.